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Established in 1988

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Customise Your Bedroom

Roll Edge's skilled cabinetmakers custom build walk-in and walk-in wardrobes to increase your storage space. Our full design service also includes shelving, doors, drawers, coloured and whiteboards.

Roll Edge offers quality products from many Australian and international brands. To choose your new wardrobe, visit our Cairns showroom today. We service homeowners and builders across the region.

To elevate your wardrobe storage, call us on (07) 4053 5600. We also provide a wide range of home storage solutions, garage storage solutions and shutters.

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Our Wardrobe Range

Built-in Wardrobes

Better utilise the space of your built-in wardrobe with a range of rods, drawers and shelving. Roll Edge offers a variety of solutions for linear wardrobes. Finish your new wardrobe with doors from our wide selection.

Walk-in Wardrobes

If you're creating a new walk-in wardrobe or refurbishing your current one, contact Roll Edge to discuss a huge range of component types and finishing options. Create a stylish and well arranged room that comfortably and effectively stores all your possessions within easy reach.

Custom Designs

Our experienced designers will discuss all your storage needs in a comprehensive consultation either based on your home or its blueprints. This consultation includes a free measure and quote. No matter your preference, our wardrobe solutions are sleek, modern and functional.

Contact Roll Edge to get started.

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